Hungarian Economy

The economy of Hungary relies mostly on the export of physics and porn. In 1961, Nikola Tesla attempted to combine the two, creating the first known instance of pr0n.

In recent times, Hungary has also received huge royalties for the production of mathematicians, especially from The Country Formerly Known As The Soviet Union. The underground economy is so good that they have great amounts of underground. They use the underground for the baby hungarian hatchlings that need to be kept underground in order to be underground.

Furthermore, Hungarians are the inventors of the nuke and the hydrogen bomb, too. Without this country, Japan would be overpopulated!! Can you believe?

Hungary is a leading exporter of illiterate historians, all of Romanian descent. Their biggest errors include not considering Transylvania a part of Hungary, claiming that Hungarians are of savage Mongolian descent, and constantly misusing semicolons.

Hungary is the second richest country in the world after Ethiopia where the average wage is the equivalent of $10 per month but as money hasn't been invented yet in Hungary all workers are paid in Paprika and Palinka. Even after paying 97% in tax the magyars still have enough left over to buy expensive sports cars (Suzuki Swift).